I like to build tools for Maya to help my team. I offer some of them here in the hope that they help you too!

These tools were created in collaboration with my great friend and colleague, Ilse Zamarripa, and are provided with the generous blessing of the awesome Steamroller Animation, for whom they were built.

If you would like to try your hand at Python scripting for Maya, but you don't know where to begin, why not try Maya Scripting for Noobs? A concise and light-hearted introduction to this complex subject.



Playblast multiple cameras with one click.

Camera Bookmark Maker

Camera Bookmark Maker

A tool for creating and managing a more useful kind of viewport bookmark than what Maya offers.

Camera Tearer

Camera Tearer

Automatically tear off camera views for your preferred working environment.

Image Plane Loader

Image Plane Loader

A streamlined method of importing and optimising reference footage.



A simple notepad within Maya. Great for saving feedback notes on your scene!

Object Matcher

Object Matcher

A tool for selectively matching translations, rotations and scales.


Range Play

A hotkey tool for temporarily previewing just a short section of the timeline.


Relative Frame

A HUD element for displaying a relative frame number.